WOW! I enjoyed the hell out of that. Mighty fine job, PF.


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Jeff Todd
Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2004 8:34 AM
Subject: [RollTideFan] Hypocrite in charge of NCAA


Just out of curiosity, I picked up the newest version of "Merriam-Webster's
Collegiate Dictionary" Friday at a local bookstore and starting thumbing
through the 1,557 pages of 215,000 definitions. I happened upon the word
"hypocrite" and, much to my surprise, there was a picture of Myles Brand,
the new president of the NCAA, smiling up at me.

The organization has not fared well in recent days in the state of Alabama
with the publication of the Committee on Infractions transcript that shows
the organization to be nothing more than a Kangaroo Court where the NCAA is
both judge and jury.

However, the NCAA, which used to sit back and not be heard, has taken a
different approach in recent days. Brand's attack Chihuahua, Wally Renfro,
whose trumped-up title is something like senior advisor to the president --
in other words, he brings in the coffee and Danish -- has been railing
against Tommy Gallion, the Colorado football program, Maurice Clarett and
just about any other issue that pops up on the radar screen not to their

However, it was a statement by Brand himself the other day that left many on
the floor, in the fetal position, reeling as if Mike Tyson had just pummeled
their gut with his right hand.

Speaking at an ethics conference (now, that's a laugh in and of itself),
while announcing a task force to do something about re-examining NCAA
recruiting rules (blah, blah, blah), Brand said: "College sports is not a
business. It's about educating young men and women in the field and in the

Now, I've watched Jay Leno, David Letterman, Johnny Carson, Jackie Mason,
Bill Cosby, Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, Bob Hope, Jackie Gleason, Milton
Berle, Don Rickles, Moms Mabley, Jerry Seinfeld -- the best comedians from
yesterday and today. But that's one of the funniest things I've ever heard.

Of all the retorts and rejoinders one could come up with -- and there are
many -- I'll let Bobby Knight, whom Brand fired when he was czar of Indiana
University, get in the first jab.

"If it isn't a business, then General Motors is a charity," Knight said.
"College sports has turned into one of the biggest businesses in the whole
sports industry. Sports just doesn't provide entertainment. It provides
thousands and thousands of jobs. Those salaries have to be paid for. It
takes people who are extremely good business people to run a college
athletic program."

Brand has a job he clocks in at $763,000 a year with his own private plane
and whose organization has a $6 billion deal with CBS for the NCAA
basketball tournament. And he would have you believe they are running a
neighborhood office for Habitat for Humanity.

This is an organization that recently left Kansas City high and dry (and
without a thank-you note) after a 40-year run to move to Indianapolis.
Wonder why? Well, this little mom-and-pop operation now operates out of a
four-story, 140,000-square-foot Taj Mahal building with annual revenues of
$433 million and 357 employees. The NCAA sweetheart deal with Indianapolis,
according to reports, is worth about $40 million annually to the local
coffers. Do you think a recent announcement that the NCAA will shun the
normal bidding process for its Final Four (and these folks will put your
school on probation for giving a kid a free Big Mac), guaranteeing Indy
college sport's biggest spectacle every five years through 2039, had
anything to do with this sweetheart deal? On top of that, the town will get
an additional event in the year before -- either a women's final four or
men's and women's early round games, and the NCAA convention, which will
mean another billion or so in greenbacks to the area.

Talk about NCAA investigations, someone like Congress ought to look into all
of these deals. Now the published transcripts of that would really be
fascinating. Interestingly, the Indianapolis Star reported recently that
Brand's home mortgage is held with the same bank that does business with the
NCAA. Sounds like a conflict to me (certainly something that an
example-setter wouldn't do), but I guess those kind of issues are only
important when Brand and the NCAA are pummeling schools.

The notion of the NCAA being self-righteous and sanctimonious is hardly new.
These are the same folks who rail about football programs out of control
(see Colorado), but they do away with college dorms. On top of that, they
limit the number of hours a coach can spend with the players so its
diminishes the chance of a coach knowing what's going on around him. The
NCAA feigns shock when they learn of the exploits of Miami recruit Willie
Williams, yet they limit the number of visits a coach can make, so they
barely know the player.

We're not asking the NCAA to change their Machiavellian ways. We know when
they scream and holler about Rick Neuheisel being in an office pool for the
NCAA tournament they are holding their gut to stop from laughing. Do you
think CBS would have pimped the tournament for that much bread if one of the
driving forces for audience and revenues weren't the Final Four pools in
every office in America?

All we're asking for from Myles Brand and his lackeys is a little honesty.
When someone accuses the NCAA of being a big business and in desperate need
of major reform, don't feed us with a load of bilge like Brand did recently.
Just shut up. That way, the NCAA moguls won't have to continue the lying and
deceit, something they've become accustomed to.

(Paul Finebaum's column appears Tuesdays and Saturdays in the Mobile
Register. Contact him at [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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