[Rails] Re: Testing: executing visit command ends session

2015-06-26 Thread Angel M De Miguel
Jason Hsu, Rubyist wrote in post #1175704: Also, that link you cited revolves around RSpec instead of Minitest. I'm using Test::Unit instead of RSpec. and the code of warden test mode works. include Warden::Test::Helpers Warden.test_mode! -- Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/. --

[Rails] Re: Testing: executing visit command ends session

2015-06-25 Thread Angel M De Miguel
Hello Jason, I think need to change some code. You need to test sections of your app independently, so if you want to check if the view is only available for Admins, you can login it with test methods provided by Devise and later, visit the admins_path. Instead of call login_admin, you can use: