[Rails] Re: E-Books for RoR 3

2012-07-03 Thread Clint326
Here's a free student manual that I found useful: https://github.com/bryanbibat/rails-3_0-tutorial On Wednesday, June 27, 2012 5:46:46 AM UTC-5, Mandy wrote: > > Hello All, > > I want to learn RoR3. So kindly suggest me free and online > downloadable E-Books for Rub on Rails 3. > > Thanks in

[Rails] View with Variable Number of Fields

2012-07-03 Thread Clint326
I'm a relative n00b when it comes to Rails. I've gone through Michael Hartl's tutorials (both editions, books and screencasts) and I can build a basic CRUD web app without help. However, for a personal project I'm working on, I'm lost as to how to move forward. Here's the situation ... I have a