Hi Bigos,

You aren't using the view helper will_paginate gives you. It's as
simple as:

@people = Person.paginate :page => params[:page]

And in your view:

<%= will_paginate @posts %>

This will automatically generate the 'Previous' and 'Next' links. For
further questions there is a dedicated will_paginate group at
http://groups.google.com/group/will_paginate -- they'll be able to
help you better!

-- Evan

On Feb 15, 2:53 pm, Bigos <ruby.obj...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> I have a Persons table created with scaffold. I was trying to flick
> between records by clicking on Previous and Next links. I was
> struggling to understand will_paginate, and finally came up with
> following solution, and I'm wondering if it could be done better.
> Would it be better to have one query to a database returning previous
> current and next record instead having two?
> @person_previous = Person.paginate :all, :page => params[:page],
>   :order => 'id DESC', :per_page => 1, :conditions => "id <
> #{params[:id]}"
> @person_next = Person.paginate :all, :page => params[:page],
>   :order => 'id ASC', :per_page => 1, :conditions => "id >
> #{params[:id]}"
> <% @person_previous.each do |el|%>
> <%= link_to 'Previous', el %>
> <% end %>
> <% @person_next.each do |el|%>
> <%= link_to 'Next', el %>
> <% end %>

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