I think this is a very important topic, but you posted it in the
ruby-forum. You should repost it over in the rails forum or on the rails
google group.

As for my opinion on the matter, I think AR should not be setting the
time itself and it should be using the database NOW function.

> Idea 2: Mixin new modules to ActiveRecord::Base to override the
> transaction() call, record the time, and then call super(). Also
> override
> the Timestamp current_time_from_proper_timezone method to return the
> time
> that our transaction() call squirrelled away. Theres a little more to
> this
> (clearing the timestamp when the transaction is committed or rolled
> back),
> but you get the idea
> Thoughts: Modifies ActiveRecord::Base to be more different than might be
> obvious. We think we prefer the next idea (3).
> Idea 3: Subclass ActiveRecord::Base (to say ActiveRecordLocal) and mix
> in
> the modules mentioned above into this class.
> Thoughts: This makes is clearer that when you're using
> ActiveRecordLocal,
> you're not getting the stock ActiveRecord::Base behavior. Otherwise this
> solution is identical to Idea 2.
> Idea 4: when then transaction starts, use Timecop::freeze to freeze the
> time that ruby sees.
> Thoughts: We can't freeze the time for all code in the app while a
> transaction is pending. Plus Timecop is for testing, not production
> use--
> but most importantly see previous point.

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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