[Rails] Configuring Asterisk with rails

2010-09-02 Thread Shripad
old they all are not coping with the newer versions. can you all suggest the best way to implement this? please help me out Thanks and Regards, Shripad -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, sen

[Rails] Re: Recording a Live Earning Cast call

2010-08-30 Thread Shripad
implement this. Thanks and regards, Shri On Aug 28, 7:20 pm, Matt Jones wrote: > On Aug 27, 8:30 am, Shripad wrote: > > > Hi all, > > > I am working on a project, in this I am assigned a task, this task > > consist of recording a live earning cast call when administra

[Rails] Recording a Live Earning Cast call

2010-08-27 Thread Shripad
Hi all, I am working on a project, in this I am assigned a task, this task consist of recording a live earning cast call when administrator press single button for that event. The Earning cast call are basically conference calls which happen at the company premises. How can I implement this record

[Rails] Capistrano on Windows

2009-04-23 Thread Shripad
Hi all, I am new to Capistrano, Can anyone told me how to use that on windows. Please provide me any good available resource. Please help me out. Thanks and Regards, Shri --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Gro

[Rails] Re: How to use Net::SSH

2009-04-08 Thread Shripad
Hi, I updated the gem. but still it is showing me the same error. I am using windows, is that a problem for SFTP? IS OpenSSH require for SFTP to connect to remote machine? Is there any other way to do this? Thanks and Regards, Shripad On Apr 8, 12:58 pm, Conrad Taylor wrote: > On Wed, Ap

[Rails] Re: How to use Net::SSH

2009-04-08 Thread Shripad
' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) from SSHTransfer.rb:8 what I write is this sftp=Net::SFTP.start('', 'k',:password => 'k') Thanks and Regards On Apr 8, 11:24 am, Conrad Taylor wrote: > On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 10:27 PM, Shripad wrote:

[Rails] How to use Net::SSH

2009-04-07 Thread Shripad
Hi all, I am having following code in ruby require 'net/ssh' require 'net/sftp' begin Net::SSH.start ('',:password=>'k',:port=>1234,:username=>'k') do |ssh| ssh.sftp.connect do |sftp| Dir.foreach('.') do |file| puts file end end end resc

[Rails] Re: FTP Transfer in rails

2009-04-02 Thread Shripad
Hi Rick, Thanks for your reply, What I need is 1) connect to a remote machine using its IP. 2)Fetch the folder from that machine. 3)Copy that to the Server PC. How can I achieve that. Please help me out Thanks and Regards, Shripad On Apr 2, 2:22 am, Rick wrote: > http://www.ruby-doc.

[Rails] FTP Transfer in rails

2009-03-31 Thread Shripad
Hi all, I want to transfer complete folder/s containing images from one machine to other using FTP. How can I transfer this. Please help me out. Thanks and regards, Shripad --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the

[Rails] Re: How to pass javascript variable value to a Session Variable in javascript

2009-03-19 Thread Shripad
Hi Starr, Thank u for ur nice reply. I have done the first part what u have mentioned by using "document.cookie". I am new to XMLHttpRequest(XHR) will you please guide me a little more on this with example. I have following code written in javascript var selObj = document.getElementById('zone')

[Rails] Re: How to pass javascript variable value to a Session Variable in javascript

2009-03-19 Thread Shripad
Hi Starr, Thank u for ur nice reply. I have done the first part what u have mentioned by using "document.cookie". I am new to XMLHttpRequest(XHR) will you please guide me a little more on this with example. I have following code written in javascript var selObj = document.getElementById('zone')

[Rails] How to pass javascript variable value to a Session Variable in javascript

2009-03-19 Thread Shripad
Hi all, Can any one tell me, how can I Pass a javascript variable value to a ROR session variale in javascript. Please help me out Thanks, Shripad --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on

[Rails] How to send multiple values to controller using :with option of collection_select

2009-03-19 Thread Shripad
x27;+value")}"}) %> this works fine for single value, when I write ":multiple => true" it is not allowing me to pass multiple values. what should I change in the above code to passing multiple values to controller? Please help me out, Thanks, Shripad --~--~-~--~

[Rails] Re: Using Active Resource in ROR Application

2008-11-13 Thread Shripad
Hi Fedrick, Thanks for your quick response. I gone through the link which u have mentioned but unable to understand, will u be able to explain me in details and how can I put that in rails project. please explain me about this I will be thankful to you Thanks and Regards, Shripad On Nov 13, 2

[Rails] Using Active Resource in ROR Application

2008-11-12 Thread Shripad
Hi all, I want to use Active Resource to communicate with other application. How can i use Active Resource in my ROR application. anyone knows please help me out. Thanks and regards, Shripad --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are

[Rails] Re: Handling SOAP XML request and Response

2008-11-03 Thread Shripad
ponse. Thanks and regards, Shripad On Nov 3, 12:39 pm, Christoph_Petschnig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi Shripad, > > the soap4r gem will help you.http://dev.ctor.org/soap4r > > There is also a Google Group:http://groups.google.com/group/soap4r > > Regards Christoph > &

[Rails] Handling SOAP XML request and Response

2008-11-02 Thread Shripad
. Please tell me the procedure how can i used SOAP XML in ROR application for handling these activities. Please help me. Thanks and Regards. Shripad --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on

[Rails] How to Redirect Rails application from HTTP to HTTPS using lighttpd for WinXP

2008-10-11 Thread Shripad
Hi all, I want to redirect from http to https using lighttpd for winxp, Please explain me. please help me out. Thanks and Regards, Shripad --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk&q

[Rails] Re: datetime select

2008-10-07 Thread Shripad
Hi, First tell me which database u r using? And, Please execute the last query against database, check whether it is working fine or not thanks and regards, Shripad On Oct 7, 2:25 pm, Katsuo Isono <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Thanks Shripad > From your advice I've got the fol

[Rails] Re: datetime select

2008-10-06 Thread Shripad
ge] [:"end_date(2i)"].to_i,params[:range][:"end_date(3i)"].to_i) thanks and regards, shripad On Oct 6, 4:16 pm, Katsuo Isono <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I am having difficulty passing datetime values to a method in the > controller. I get sql syntax error from t

[Rails] HTTP to HTTPS for some pages in ROR

2008-10-06 Thread Shripad
hi all, I want to redirect some pages of my project to HTTPS. How can I do that? Thanks and Regards, Shripad --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this g

[Rails] ROR application in any language(eg German, English, Spanish etc)

2008-10-05 Thread Shripad
Hi all, I want an ROR application to work with any language selected, such as German, English, Spanish etc. Is there any plugin or gem available which can do it automatically for me or is there any other way to do this. Please inform me about this.. Thanks and Regards Shripad