I forgot something
also type in the terminal window after installing the rails gem
sudo gem install mysql
On Apr 28, 11:59 am, Sumon wrote:
> hi,
> i am fairly novice in RoR. Even i don't have clear idea of RoR. but i
> am highly interested to learn RoR. i have some experience in php
> (mos
download and install ubuntu from ubuntu.org
open Applications->Acccessories->Terminal and type
sudo apt-get install mysql
sudo apt-get install ruby
sudo apt-get install rubygems
sudo gem install rails
cd /var/www
sudo chown $USER .
rails mywebsite
cd mywebsite
click on the firefox
Lets, say you are listing a set of folders on a page and you want to
display the number of files in each folder. So you would use
something like
<%= folder.files.size() %>
With the classic foreign key relation then for every folder you will
get an SQL query like "select count(file
3 matches
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