I'm actively seeking a full stack developer (Ruby on Rails) for the 
creation of a crowdfunding platform. Please, you already have experience in 
this type of platforms and you have references. Deadline: end October 2016
Platform fully responsive to:
Deadline: end October 2016
Platform fully responsive to:
1- Donation with and without rewards
2. Preorders/presales
3- Amorization loans and deferred payment loans
4- Equiy crowdfunding
Development is front end and backend
Warning: the site should be easily translated into many languages.
You use:
· Ruby on Rails
· HTML / SCSS + Compass
· CoffeeScript
· RSpec + Capybara
Study / optimization of the customer journey
Optimizing interfaces
Study actions offline
project manager interface
Campaign Dashboard
campaign management interface of the project leader
API connection LemonWay
Wallets connected with internal API LW
- Creation of client files and forms-processing pdf
- Upload files from the client interface
- messaging
- Integration of electronic signature to sign pdf api
- Integration of an API for electronic payments
- Module Paypal
- Optimized for speed + SSL security
- Platform for classic transactional Crowdfunding (pre-commitment, 
limitations, validation, funding) Multilingual
- Management of authorizations by role (external member, investor, project 
developer, analyst, admin)
- Front-end forms depending role (Registration, project submission, 
validation, transactional investment) modal.
Registration with Social single sign-on LinkedIn, Facebook, Google +
- Pages (projects with comments, personal dashboard, FAQ)
- Dashboard front-end according to user role, private messages, comments. 
Dashboard analyst (validation, CRM DB)
- Integration: analytics, mailchimp
roles and badges.
Personal data connection
Lists of campaigns
transaction histories
Admin campaigns
Admin Dashboard
Anonymous payments
Admin users
Export user data
Automatic generation of pages
Management of meta and micro-formats
Management Media Library and documentary
Mechanical translated versions
language's user recognition
Sending automatic emails through the application
Overall the board admin
The platform consists of several parts:
- Public Spaces (Home + pages with mostly text, graphics ...)
- Lender Area (Account creation, Projects to be funded, account Situation 
at global, List of projects funded / unfunded / en- course, Feed the 
account / make a withdrawal personal information, summary of transactions, 
- Investor Area: with state calculation of the investment portfolio.
The user must register in stages (3 or 4) with documents (pdf, docx, png 
etc ...) to send.
(Ready to variable yield) Once registered the lender sets the amount to be 
borrowed and how many months he would like to be reimbursed.

- Borrower Area (draft deposit, Project Tracking, state refunds, sampling 
schedule, ...)
Ability to create projects with design, fonts and sizes already set and 
ability to embed a video (YouTube, Vimeo or other ... etc) to the project 
Also, intuitive administrative interface, back office modules as a 
simulator for the user who wants to lend money at a rate that he has set.
A structured source code respecting the Google SEO compliance and can be 
resumed and improved thereafter.
Moreover the developer will integrate thereafter the website provider 
payment module (paypal, or Lemonway mangopay, etc ...)
In all cases the following stages must be completed in October to the 
launch October 20, 2016:
reward / pre-sales crowdfunding
donation crowdfunding
crowdlending (amortizing loans and deferred payment) 
The MVP should include:
- Manage projects
- Manage users
- Create

Project Owner
- Create project with goals and rewards
- Role-based management on project and comments
- Send update
- Manage how

- View projects
- Pledge project
- Leave comment
- Badges

Other components
- Infrastructure Setup
- Payment gateway hook-up
- Search engine

The developer will also take care of the continuous development and monthly 
maintenance after the launch.

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