DataMapper out of the box will let you use multiple databases,
although these need to be known at app boot time.

For ActiveRecord, this article might lead you somewhere:


On Feb 10, 1:34 pm, Marcelo Barbudas <> wrote:
> Hi.
> > > It's a high volume app, that's written as a standalone service.
> > > Extending it as a hosted solution and keeping updates nice is a big
> > > part of what the project is about.
> > And all of that would be easier with one big DB, at least as far as
> > you've described.
> You are right, it would definitely be easier if this App was written
> with a hosted version in mind. Unfortunately it isn't.
> Still, the volume of traffic and DB size of the app means that if
> someone grows bigger we want to be able to quickly move it to
> something dedicated.
> --
> Cheers,
> R.

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