[Rails] Re: acts_as_list - can you use it "twice" for a model, like one using :position and another using :rank?

2012-07-04 Thread nkburdick
Daze, Did you ever work this out? I have the same question. Thanks, Nick On Monday, December 27, 2010 7:50:12 PM UTC-8, daze wrote: > > Let's say I have this set up: > an article belongs to a section > > If I go to sections/show, I would see a list of articles belonging to > that section. I

[Rails] Missing Template Error on render_to_string - Rails 3.2.2

2012-03-31 Thread nkburdick
Hi, I'm trying to execute some javascript in the browser after completing my create action in the controller. Here's how I'm doing it: In my controller: def create # exectue some code js = render_to_string(:layout => false, :template => "planned_meals/meal.js.coffee.erb") render :js