Much obliged for this answer!

On Nov 12, 3:48 pm, Fearless Fool <> wrote:
> I figured out the answer to my own question, and I'm embarrassed by how
> trivial it is: create a helper function that takes @user, @topic,
> @profile etc as an argument.  For example:
> # app/helpers/my_helper.rb
> module MyHelper
>   def my_error_message(obj)
>     return unless obj.errors.any?
>     summary = "#{pluralize(obj.errors.count, "error")} prevented this
> #{obj.class} from being saved:"
>     msgs = { |msg| content_tag(:li, msg)}.join
>     "<div
> id=\"error_explanation\"><h3>#{summary}</h3><ul>#{msgs}</ul></div>".html_sa fe
>   end
> end
> Now you can sprinkle <%= my_error_message(@user) %> in the top of
> user/_form.html.erb, etc.  Works like a champ.
> - ff
> --
> Posted via

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