Hi Radha,

As per the details given by you, you want to run the application with
out using the database migrations and  Rake command, provided by the

You have your own data base structure in that you have the tables in
that data base, in database.yml you are going to give those details,
and from that you need to do the CURD operations .

Is this the thing that you are looking for ? Let me know If I am wrong
on this, based on your answer I will suggest you the appropriate way
to deal with in your application.

On Jun 25, 5:36 pm, RailsFan Radha <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> kannav rajeev wrote:
> Thanks for helping.. here is my comments.
> > hey radha please explain what you need actually if you trying to making
> > a
> > rough apps write down the table field here migrattion tell to create or you
> i am not sure of what you mean by "write down the table field here".
> do u mean in the scaffold command or write here?
> anyway, here is the table name, category.
> columns:
> category_id int
> parent_category_id int
> category_title  varchar(50)
> category_short_desc  varchar (100)
> category_long_desc  varchar(255)
> dt_created  datetime
> dt_modified  datetime
> user_created varchar(45)
> user_modified   varchar(45)
> status varchar(1)
> routes.rb file
> this file is modified to specify my mysql db name and username and
> password for accessing the database.
> Since, routes.rb is configured, can't i just specify the tabale name and
> environment and access the table ?
> Can't ruby on rails use this info to grab the column names from this
> table?
> This table with these columns exist in my mysqldb
> if i use the scaffolding command with "skip-no-migration" then i will
> have to retype all these commands in scaffold command line.
> There are two reasons for not using scaffold command:
> 1) Typing all column names in it, when all database config info is in
> the routes.rb file, ruby on rails could figure that out by connecting to
> it, via table name.
> 2) datatype specification. there is no way to specify datatypes.
> Probably, i may need to change it afer scaffolding.. which i am not sure
> of the steps with. Let me know , if u have any suggestions for this.
> 3) so, is there anyway, i could manually create these CRUD pages?
> If so , how? Is there a website/page that describes crating all these
> CRUD pages manually without using the command scaffold?
> > update ot delete table in to db from the rails app. if you make a table
> > in
> > db without a migration how would you connect it from rails app .
> Using rotes.rb file, where in i have specified the environment, dbname,
> username and pwd for accessing the db.
> isn't that sufficient for ruby to access?
> Hypothertically, given the db environment as input in the code, output
> could be anything related to that db. in this case, input >> environment
> and table_name and output is the column names.(or any )
> Is there a plugin for this purpose?
> If so, I could use it , to build these CRUD pages manually .
> 5) Do u normaly use scaffold and then modify the code for adjusting the
> datatypes?
> or do u write it from scratch without using scaffold?
> > any further help you need please explain with code
> Thanks for helping me out as i have to create these CRUD pages and want
> to take the best route. My database contains nearly 25 tables and few
> columns it.
> Thanks in advance.
> > On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 8:56 AM, Free Bies <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> >> Radha
> >> For more options, visit this group at
> >>http://groups.google.com/group/rubyonrails-talk?hl=en.
> > --
> > Thanks:
> > Rajeev sharma
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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