I may be totally wrong about what the fields_for method is supposed to
do, but for some reason I thought using it scoped an object around an

For example, I have a User class and when you're creating a new user I
want to use fields_for to add a BillingAddress to the user like so:

<%- fields_for :billing_address do |billing_address_form| -%>
  <%= render :partial => 'billing_addresses/form', :locals => { :f =>
billing_address_form } %>
<%- end -%>

This however, is not scoping the user object around the billing address
form fields because when I view source, I see this:

  <label for="billing_address_address_one">Address one</label><br />
  <input id="billing_address_address_one"
name="billing_address[address_one]" size="30" type="text" />
  <label for="billing_address_address_two">Address two</label><br />
  <input id="billing_address_address_two"
name="billing_address[address_two]" size="30" type="text" />

I'm using Rails 2.2.2 and maybe this never worked the way I'm thinking
it should, or I could be doing something wrong...

Any suggestions anyone?

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