Let's say Firefox has opened two tabs each with Google's home screen on

Now the user enters some text into the form and clicks "Google Search".

If Google were implemented in Rails, some controller would see the
request, process it, hand off to a view, and the view would render it.

Basic question:  When the view is rendered and sent back to the client
browser, how does the browser know what tab to render?

- - - -

Here's my "real" problem.  I am clueless how to implement this.  No,
this is not a homework assignment.

What I want to do is have two tabs (that is, two "users") playing a game
in which the first user enters a number on the left hand side of the
screen.  The second user enters a number on the right hand side of the

Both users should see what number is entered by the other user and the
sum of the two numbers displayed at the top of the screen.

- - - -

My "web server" is Webrick.

I think I know enough Ajax to make this happen if there were only one
tab.  That is, if there were only a single "user" and the result was to
do nothing more than double what the user typed in.

I guess I'm lost as to what a "session" represents here.

Any guidance and explanations would be vastly appreciated here.

As should be clear from the post, above, I really don't understand how
the pieces fit together.
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