I'm sure this is something common I'm missing.

I have installed Rails on Ubuntu using the helpful information at
http://guides.rubyonrails.org/getting_started.html and

I'm just trying to get Hello World working before moving on to other
things. I have deleted the public/index.html (which displays fine with
Apache) and done the following:
script/generate controller home index
edit config/routes.rb and add the line map.root :controller => "home"
above the default routes

Pretty simple.... so I got the Passenger error at first because root
owned config/environment.rb so it is now owned by www-data.

Now, I get Error 500 no matter what I do.

Fire up Mongrel and go to http://blah.mydomain.com:3000/ and it works
perfectly. Go to http://blah.mydomain.com/ and, Error 500 "We're
sorry, but something went wrong."

I hope this is something simple with the Apache config I'm simply
missing. I presume since the error shows up at all that my Passenger
config is at least correct in part.


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