I have a simple multipart-form that uploads images and saves record in
the database. I have a model that uses the RMagick plugin to save the

My model looks like this:
class Drawing < ActiveRecord::Base

  has_attachment :storage => :file_system,
                 :resize_to => '670x503',
                 :thumbnails => { :thumb => '160x120', :tiny => '50>' },
                 :max_size => 5.megabytes,
                 :content_type => :image,
                 :processor => 'Rmagick'

  belongs_to :member
  belongs_to :drawingcategory
  has_many :drawingcomments

I also have a drawing-tool done in Flash. The idea is to draw in the
flash-application and then save the drawing online. I have functionality
so I can get the image saved on the server, but I do not know how I can
connect that image to this rmagick-plugin and get the information about
the drawing saved in the same table as the drawings uploaded through the

I have looked everywhere and tried everything. Anyone who can help me?
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