I'm fairly new to RoR and I'm trying to figure out the best way to deal
with Users in my application. I've got (for the purpose of this thread)
3 models, User, Subject, and SubjectUserAssignment.

The user model is joined to the Subject model with the following,
creating a many to many relationship between User and Subject:

has_many :subjects, :through  => :subject_user_assignments
has_many :subject_user_assignments

Likewise, the Subject model:

has_many :users, :through  => :subject_user_assignments
has_many :subject_user_assignments
belongs_to :user, :foreign_key => "user_id_created"
belongs_to :user, :foreign_key => "user_id_updated"

This works fine, I can return all users for a given subject, and all
subjects for a given user. The problem is that the Subject model has
user_id_created and user_id_updated fields, which contain the user_id of
the user(s) who created and updated the subject. So a user can either be
related to a subject because they're assigned to it, or because they
created/updated it, or both. How do I go about specifying this in my
User model? User.subjects should return all subjects assigned to a user,
but I need something else like User.created_subjects to show all
subjects created by a user. Am I using :foreign_key correctly in the
Subject model?

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