
I'm trying to work with nested models in a form view and it's not going so 
smoothly. A user has many lawyers and a lawyer can take many services. I 
want a checkbox on which the user can select the services of each lawyer. 
How can I do it? This is what I've got so far:

<%= form_for @user do |f| %>

  <%= f.label :email %><%= f.email_field :email %>


  <% @user.lawyers.each do |lawyer| %>

    <%= f.fields_for :lawyers, lawyer do |lf| %>

      <%= lf.label :name, "Nome: " %><%= lf.text_field :name %>

      <!-- Everything is working fine so far. However, I can get this to work. 
A lawyer can have many services: -->

      <% Service.all.each do |service| %>

        <%= check_box_tag ???, service.id, lawyer.services.include?(service) %>

      <% end %>

    <% end %>

  <% end %>

<% end %>

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