I'm using paperclip in this Rails 2.3.8 project.

What I'm looking to do is rename all the images so they fit the :url =>
"/assets/:class/:id_partition/:attachment/:style.:extension" from my
model. I had about 30,000 records for this model and when changing to
start using the :id_partition, I changed

:url => "/assets/:class/:id/:attachment/:style.:extension"


:url => "/assets/:class/:id_partition/:style_:basename.:extension"

without thinking about what I was actually doing. I now changed it back

:url => "/assets/:class/:id_partition/:attachment/:style.:extension"

but now I have about 10,000 images that are named wrong and not showing.
I know there is a reprocess! method in paperclip, but it doesn't seem to
rename the images. Is there already a rake task, or something that will
do this?

Essentially, I would like to do

MyModel.all.each { |model|
model.image.set_all_the_styles_to_the_correct_name! }

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