Helo, Guys.  I'm testing a system in production server and I'm having a 
problem with Paperclip.
Image's upload works properly, when paperclip processes the image, it 
generates the following output in the production.log:

Started PUT "/profiles/2?locale=pt-BR" for at 2012-10-17 
16:22:01 -0300
Processing by ProfilesController#update as HTML
  Parameters: {"utf8"=>"?^?^?", 
^[[32mCommand^[[0m :: identify -format %wx%h :file
^[[32mCommand^[[0m :: identify -format %m :file
^[[32mCommand^[[0m :: identify -format %m :file
^[[32mCommand^[[0m :: convert :source -auto-orient -resize "x200" -crop 
"168x200+49+0" +repage :dest
^[[32mCommand^[[0m :: file -b --mime :file
^[[32mCommand^[[0m :: identify -format %wx%h :file
^[[32mCommand^[[0m :: identify -format %m :file
^[[32mCommand^[[0m :: identify -format %m :file
^[[32mCommand^[[0m :: convert :source -auto-orient -resize "x80" -crop 
"80x80+13+0" +repage :dest
^[[32mCommand^[[0m :: file -b --mime :file
^[[32mCommand^[[0m :: identify -format %wx%h :file
^[[32mCommand^[[0m :: identify -format %m :file
^[[32mCommand^[[0m :: identify -format %m :file
^[[32mCommand^[[0m :: convert :source -auto-orient -resize "600x600>" :dest
^[[32mCommand^[[0m :: file -b --mime :file
^[[32mCommand^[[0m :: identify -format %wx%h :file
^[[32mCommand^[[0m :: identify -format %m :file
^[[32mCommand^[[0m :: identify -format %m :file
^[[32mCommand^[[0m :: convert :source -auto-orient -resize "x27" -crop 
"27x27+4+0" +repage :dest
^[[32mCommand^[[0m :: file -b --mime :file
[paperclip] Saving attachments.
[paperclip] deleting 
Redirected to http://teste/profiles/2?locale=pt-BR
Completed 302 Found in 2466ms (ActiveRecord: 8.2ms)

It doesn't generate any error, but it doesn't create the images either. Any 

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