Try your_active_record_instance.dup instead of .clone.

On Jan 6, 6:43 am, Rob Lacey <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've been working on a solution to try and fix a problem I am getting
> with the Interlock plugin. However, my quick solution was to clone my
> ActiveRecord object and store the clone. I now realise that cloning
> ActiveRecord objects merely extracts the attributes and creates a new
> object with the same attributes. What I want is to clone the whole
> object, in this case assocations aren't necessary just the object with
> the correct id.
> Is there any reason why this would be bad? I guess cloning the object is
> generally used to duplicate records but here I want to take the object
> and cache it without affecting the original object.
> RobL
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