Maurico -

On 2-Feb-09, at 1:34 PM, Maurício Linhares wrote:

> Hello guys,
> I am starting to think that i need a templating language (just like
> PHP's Smarty and JSP's Expression Language) for simple value outputs
> in a page without resorting to <%= %>.
> I'm working on a I18N heavy application and we have a lot of places
> where we open a scriptlet just to show a translated message and i'm
> starting to think that it would be possible to change this for a
> simpler representation, someting like ${t:txt.users.top_by_points}.
> I want to keep the <%= %> functionality (so it's more like JSP than
> Smarty), but i would like to add the other as an option, anyone has
> any idea about where i should start looking to get this to work?

Maybe Liquid would work for you.

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