Write Something like this in your user model
before_create :build_profile_for_this_user

def build_proile_for_this_user

On Nov 13, 7:34 am, twiggle <twigbra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Class User << ActiveRecord::Base
>   has_one :profile
>   delgate  :description, :description=, :to => :profile
> end
> I'd like to do,
> @user = User.create(:name => 'Foo Bar', :description => 'Slow.')
> or
> @user = User.update_attributes(:description => 'Slow')
> and have AR create/update the profile model and association (if it
> doesn't already exist).
> How can I do this?  Ideally this would be handled in User's
> initialize, or callback, but I can't get anything to work.  When
> reaching the delegate statement I get an error that profile is nil.
> Thanks
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