So looks like this is an issue with the PostgreSQL install that I 
happened to snag.  I just finished blowing everything away and 
reinstalling it all from MacPorts and it's working like a charm.

Huge thanks for your hep, Gianluca!


Gianluca Tessarolo wrote:
> I just try and all are working good under Ruby 1.8.7 MRI... (I did'nt
> try RVM...)
> I did'nt any special thing, I just install pg gem and run:
> rails xxx -d postgresql
> cd xxx
> I have modify config/database.yml adding => host: localhost and setting
> user / password
> rails generate scaffold user name:string published:boolean
> rake db:create
> rake db:migrate
> rails server
> => http://localhost:3000/users
> CRUD operations are all working good
> Hope this helps...

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