Seth Portman wrote in post #1117487:
> I am following Railscasts #217 and I have been able to make everything
> work
> using html protocol the only issue is that I need it to use ajax
> protocol
> instead. My question and code is very similar to stackoverflow question
> Multistep
> forms in Rails using
> .
> I understand how to setup ajax and make the form sumit remotely my
> question
> though is how do I pass over the forms variable i.e. "f" as in "<%=
> form_for @post do |f|>" Any help is appreciated.

I think you're probably making this too complicated. If you're using 
JavaScript anyway then just have one page, with one form. Use JavaScript 
(no AJAX required) to show and hide the fields for the various steps in 
the process. Ryan mentioned, and recommended, this approach at the 
beginning of the episode.

Since have have only a single page with a single form there's nothing to 
pass around. The are no changes required in your controller or model 
classes. As far as Rails is concerned it's no different than a regular 
form submission.

If your multi-step form is extremely complex then I might suggest 
considering one of the single page app solutions such as Ember.js, 
Backbone.js or Angular.js.

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