On Saturday, May 28, 2011 8:14:47 AM UTC-6, Erwin wrote:
> In Rails 3 , it's possible to write a query like 
> account_type = AccountType.where(:membership_fees => 0; :locale => 
> {:code => I18n.locale}).first 
> to find records when membership_fees == 0 
> ( AccountType belongs to Locale) 
>  is it possible to write the same query for      membership_fees > 
> 0 
> or should I write as in Rails 2 a pure condition ? 
> Client.where("membership_fees > ? AND memberships.locale = ?",  0 ], 
> I18n.locale) 
> thanks for your feedback

I know this was posted some time ago (haven't read this list is a while) but 
just in case you're still interested...

I'd recommend you check out the meta_where gem:


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