
As Philipe mentioned you have to modify the plugin little bit to match 
your requirement.

Lets say you are using acts_as_ratable plugin, so they will use rate 
column to specify the rate.

You just add few more columns like benefit_rate, applicability_rate, 
quality_rate and what ever you want.

So in your rate method, you need to modify it little bit.

>From this:

@post.rate( 4, current_user.id )

def rate(rating_value, user_id)
r = Rate.new
r.rate = rating_value
r.rateable = self
r.user_id = user_id

To this:

@post.rate( 4, 5, current_user.id )

def rate(benefit_rating, quality_rating, user_id)
r = Rate.new
r.benefit_rating = benefit_rating
r.quality_rating = quality_rating
r.rate = r.benefit_rating + r.quality_rating
r.rateable = self
r.user_id = user_id

Just your getting rating values for benefit_rating and quality_rating. 
And also you can save the sum of benefit_rating and quality_rating in 
rate column.

Hope this will work for you

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