On Sunday, July 9, 2017 at 9:55:30 AM UTC+1, Ralph Shnelvar wrote:

> Questions:
> 1) Does the message "wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1)" refer 
> to get?

> 2) Where can I find documentation on get?
I would start here: 
> 3) Why does byebug's 's' end up on line 298 in method let?  (Yes, let, not 
> get.) and not on the first executable statement in let?

Ruby evaluates the arguments to get before calling get itself. In your case 
this is the valid_session,which was dynamically define by let, which is why you 
jump into let related code first. Were it not the the number of arguments error 
you would end up in get if you kept stepping

> 4) Am I missing any relevant info in this posting?
> 5) And, finally, what is wrong with line 66 in articles_controller_spec.rb?

Hassan's given you the answer there. Controller tests changed very 
substantially in rails 5 (rspec's controller specs are just a very thin layer 
on top of rails controller tests, so they've inherited these changes). There 
have been quite a few blog posts written about those changes (in addition to 
what is in the rails release notes), I am sure a quick Google will dig them up.


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