Colin Law wrote in post #1053187:
> On 25 March 2012 07:40, Doe J. <> wrote:
>> package_line_item.rb
>> has_many :menus , :through => :package_line_items, :uniq => true
>>   redirect_to @reservation ,:notice => "added menu"
>>   resources :package_line_items
>> resources :menu_categories
>> resources :recipes
>> ---------------------
>> package_line_item/show.html.erb
>> <p id="notice"><%= notice %></p>
>> <%=>
> You have not actually said but I presume the error is on the line
> above.  The error says that there is no method menu, consider what it
> is that you are trying to call this method on:
> @reservation.package_line_items
> What is the type of that?  The clue is that it is plural, so it is
> probably a collection of items.  You can't call menu on a collection
> of items, you will have to select one at a time.
>> -----------------------
>> i tried on my show.html.erb file
>> <%=>
>> but it only returns the first menu that i added the when i open the
>> second menu the information inside it is the the information in my first
>> menu
> Right, that is because you are now calling it on the first such item.
> If you want to show information for all the items you will have to
> loop round them displaying the menu names.
> If you don't know how to do that then I suggest working through some
> good tutorials such as (which is free to use online)
> which will give you a better understanding of Ruby and Rails.
> Colin

thanks mr colin sir
i tried looping with

<% @reservation.package_line_items.each do |menu|%>

but it is displaying all of the menus that the reservation not the 
specific  menu that i clicked

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