[Rails] Re: Workling - Queue List

2009-04-01 Thread Manuel
Hi Danimal, Jeah I already do the same, I have a "original" and a "converted" table so I can reprocess them etc... I've found active_queue: http://github.com/starling/active_queue/tree/master Sounds like a perfect match, but can't get it to work... Seems that nobody has a need for it :-) Maybe th

[Rails] Re: Workling - Queue List

2009-03-31 Thread Danimal
Hi Manuel, Personally, I don't think it's a bad practice at all. I have an app that does video uploads and conversions. The way I do it is to upload the video, store it in the DB in a videos table with a status of "unconverted" then spawn a conversion thread (I'm using spawn, but the idea would w