Couple things you can try -

1. Where you have _destroy="false" replace that with _destroy="0" -
just in case something is throwing that parser out of whack
2. Try _delete instead of _destroy - been a while but I remember in
one of my setups _delete worked but not _destroy


On Apr 14, 10:42 pm, Niklas Nson <> wrote:
> I have a has_many association and does some adding throug a nested
> form, i can add objects (images) and edit text this works fine. But
> when i try to delete items nothing happens. This is what my log looks
> like:
> Started POST "/photosets/168" for at Fri Apr 15 07:34:04
> +0200 2011
> Processing by PhotosetsController#update as HTML
> Parameters: {"commit"=>"Ändra Photoset",
> "authenticity_token"=>"18nwmbNhushmQoXOLafzzjodbCoCtQMu22MG772Y8Xg=",
> "utf8"=>"✓", "photoset"=>{"title"=>"en ny titel",
> "photosetassets_attributes"=>{"6"=>{"_destroy"=>"false"},
> "7"=>{"_destroy"=>"false"}, "8"=>{"_destroy"=>"false"},
> "9"=>{"_destroy"=>"false"}, "0"=>{"id"=>"971", "_destroy"=>"false"},
> "1"=>{"id"=>"972", "_destroy"=>"false"}, "2"=>{"id"=>"975",
> "_destroy"=>"false"}, "3"=>{"id"=>"976", "_destroy"=>"1"},
> "4"=>{"_destroy"=>"false"}, "5"=>{"_destroy"=>"false"}},
> "credit_tokens"=>"1", "description"=>"dsadsad", "genre_ids"=>["1",
> "2", "3"]}, "id"=>"168"}
> And it looks to me as "3"=>{"id"=>"976", "_destroy"=>"1"} is marked
> for _destroy here.
> If i in the console write:
> p = Photoset.last
> f.update_attributes("photosetassets_attributes" => {"id" => "976",
> "_destroy" => "1"})
> p = Photoset.last.photosetassets
> => [#<Photosetasset id: 971, image: "20090818-img_0024.jpg",
> photoset_id: 168, created_at: "2011-04-15 05:02:26", updated_at:
> "2011-04-15 05:02:26">, #<Photosetasset id: 972, image:
> "arvidsson0161.jpg", photoset_id: 168, created_at: "2011-04-15
> 05:02:26", updated_at: "2011-04-15 05:02:26">, #<Photosetasset id:
> 975, image: "2009_01_04_img_00000323.jpg", photoset_id: 168,
> created_at: "2011-04-15 05:23:38", updated_at: "2011-04-15 05:23:38">]
> And its deleted.
> Please advice me what to do, have been working on this for the last
> nights and i cant see whats wrong with it.
> /Niklas

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