Ralph Shnelvar wrote:
> I _think_ that in activerecord-2.2.2\lib\active_record\validations.rb
> that specifying the attribute as "" have the nice benefit of just adding
> the specified message that was supplied.
> In activerecord-2.3.5\lib\active_record\validations.rb not specifying an
> attribute causes a "interning empty string" error.
> - - - -
> Is there a way in 2.3.5 to suppress the automatic generation of the
> error message. That is, in 2.2.2 I could do:
> model.errors.add("", "Your email address (#{value}) has an invalid
> format.")
> This will fail in 2.3.5 with the above-mentioned "interning empty
> string".
> I think.  I'm not sure.  The code in 2.2.2 and 2.3.5 in this area if
> pretty different and my test beds in these two environments is pretty
> different.

Adding to the above ...

Oh, geez, it looks like both the attribute and the message have to be 

Is this some attempt to force interaction with I18N?
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