"rake routes" to see the routes.

On Thursday, 18 October 2012 17:43:12 UTC, Erwin wrote:
> I mounted the Forem::Engine in my app 
>  MyApp::Application.routes.draw do 
>     scope "/:locale" do 
>     ... 
>     resources :sites, :only => [:none] do 
>       get 'home', :on => :collection 
>       get 'events', :on => :collection 
>    end 
>     .. 
>     mount Forem::Engine, :at => "/forums",  :as => :forums, 
> constraints: lambda { |r| r.subdomain.present? && r.subdomain != 
> 'www' } , :defaults => { :locale => I18n.locale } 
>    ... 
>   end 
> when I display the home page of the subdomain, http://bingo.lvh.me:3000/ 
> I don't have any problem with the navbar links in the header 
> in which I have  : 
> = link_to t(:home), home_sites_path(:locale => I18n.locale) 
> = link_to t(:forums), forums_path(:locale => I18n.locale) 
> Upon clicking on 'forums' item  ( generated url:   bingo.lvh.me:3000/ 
> en/forums <http://bingo.lvh.me:3000/en/forums> ) , I am redirected 
> correctly to the engine 
> Forem::forums#index, the rendering  raises an error with the  home 
> link ... 
> undefined method `home_sites_path' for #<#<Class:0x007fdd936ce5f8>: 
> 0x007fdd96db7e70> 
> it seems that my app  routing  is lost 
> despite the fact that I get the route in my routes.rb, but maybe 
> 'forums_path' is not the right 
> what could be wrong ?  thanks for feedback 

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