Thanks for the response Donald.  I started in just the opposite
direction - with only a couple core controllers. I wasn't sure if it
was common to have  a controller for each model in your app?  Perhaps
that's the guiding principle, and you make judgements based on that.

I like your suggestion of splitting based on Authenticated versus
public.  I'm already doing that for the most part, so perhaps I will
add a few more controllers for authenticated models/views to make the
app more CRUD compliant.

Let me know if you have any other thoughts and thanks again for your


On Mar 24, 2:09 pm, Greg Donald <> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 1:03 PM, ressister <> wrote:
> > I'm in the process of refactoring an existing Rails app and am
> > wondering - is it common practice to have a controller for each model
> > that has CRUD actions?  For instance, in my app I have a side bar
> > where users can add diary entries to a side-bar, highlighting them in
> > bulletin-board fashion within their diary.  This bulletin board will
> > only live inside the diary.  Should it have its own controller then?
> It's up to you how to separate things, there's no limit on how many or
> how few controllers you can or have to have.
> > What's the general rule.  I've been reading The Rails Way, and it
> > seems that it should, which would also allow me to create a nested
> > resource for this as well which would allow for some out-of-the-box
> > routing if I were ever to surface this component somewhere else.
> > I look forward to your thoughts, and thanks!
> I split things up as much as I can at the start, makes growing the app
> easier later.  You might consider putting things that require
> authentication in separate controllers than one that don't for
> example.
> --
> Greg Donald
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