On Apr 20, 9:18 am, "Anush J." <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Hello guys
> After figuring out a way to load my db with info scraped of from a web
> page, the data on db is appended with "--- \n -" these characters. I'm
> not sure what the problem is.. I did change my editor to xcode.
> I have attached my app's
> - migration file
> - the method that is called to populate the database
> - the output on rails server
> You can see I'm specifically printing out the values like (eg:
> [item[0]]) before assigning it to dts.bug_id or any other db row for
> that matter. I can see the printed value is fine but after storing on
> the database they are being appended with those junk characters.

> Have anyone of you noticed this before. Am I doing something
> wrong..please help !!

You've got a bunch of string columns but you're assigning arrays to
them (such as [item[0]]), which forces activerecord to encode them as
yaml which is what causes the extra characters you are seeing - that
how yaml encodes arrays. If you did want to do this you should use the
serialize directive to inform activerecord that those columns should
be serialized/deserialized. If not, then just assign item[0] rather
than [item[0]]


> Thanks in advance -- Anush
> class CreateBugs < ActiveRecord::Migration
>   def self.up
>     create_table :bugs do |t|
>       t.string :bug_id
>       t.string :bug_pri
>       t.string :bug_sev
>       t.string :bug_state
>       t.string :bug_date
>       t.string :bug_org
>       t.string :bug_asg
>       t.string :bug_sum
>       t.string :bug_fcomment
>       t.string :bug_fdate
>       t.timestamps
>     end
>   end
>   def self.down
>     drop_table :bugs
>   end
> end
>   def scrap_dts
>     puts "Inside def scrap_dts in import controller"
>     agent = Mechanize.new
>     agent.basic_auth('anushj', 'porfavor')
>     page =
> agent.get('http://hidden/query.cgi?action=search&name=anushj&origin=me&priority=...)
>     table = agent.page.search('//*[(@id =
> "subreport_list")]//td').map(&:text).map(&:strip)
>     table = table.split('Bug')
>     table.delete_if{|x| x.size == 0}
>     table.each do |item|
>       tmp = [item[0]]
>       tmp = tmp.split('-')
>       if Bug.find_by_bug_id(tmp[0]).nil?
>         dts = Bug.new
>         dts.bug_id = tmp[0]
>         puts tmp[0]
>         dts.bug_pri = [item[2]]
>         puts [item[2]]
>         dts.bug_sev = [item[4]]
>         puts [item[4]]
>         dts.bug_state = [item[5]]
>         puts [item[5]]
>         dts.bug_date = [item[6]]
>         puts [item[6]]
>         dts.bug_org = [item[9]]
>         puts [item[9]]
>         dts.bug_asg = [item[10]]
>         puts [item[10]]
>         dts.save
>         puts "save record!"
>         #dts_num = [item[0]]
>         #puts dts_num
>       end
>     end
>   end
> DB O/P while executing scrap_dts
> Inside def scrap_dts in import controller
> 106083-M30S
> P1
> S1
> New
> 2011/02/16
> anushj
> mmourier
> save record!
> 115412-M30S
> P1
> S1
> Closed: Verified
> 2011/04/05
> anushj
> anushj
> save record!
> 115762-M30S
> P1
> S1
> Closed: Verified
> 2011/04/11
> anushj
> anushj
> save record!
> Started GET "/" for at 2011-04-19 23:37:33 -0700
>   Processing by ImportController#index as HTML
>   Bug Load (0.3ms)  SELECT "bugs".* FROM "bugs" WHERE "bugs"."bug_id" IN
> ('106083-M30S') LIMIT 1
>   Bug Load (0.2ms)  SELECT "bugs"."id" FROM "bugs" WHERE
> ("bugs"."bug_id" = '["106083-M30S"]') LIMIT 1
>   AREL (0.4ms)  INSERT INTO "bugs" ("bug_id", "bug_pri", "bug_sev",
> "bug_state", "bug_date", "bug_org", "bug_asg", "bug_sum",
> "bug_fcomment", "bug_fdate", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES ('---
> - 106083-M30S
> ', '---
> - P1
> ', '---
> - S1
> ', '---
> - New
> ', '---
> - 2011/02/16
> ', '---
> - anushj
> ', '---
> - mmourier
> ', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2011-04-20 06:37:35.112929', '2011-04-20
> 06:37:35.112929')
>   Bug Load (0.3ms)  SELECT "bugs".* FROM "bugs" WHERE "bugs"."bug_id" IN
> ('115412-M30S') LIMIT 1
>   Bug Load (0.1ms)  SELECT "bugs"."id" FROM "bugs" WHERE
> ("bugs"."bug_id" = '["115412-M30S"]') LIMIT 1
>   AREL (0.3ms)  INSERT INTO "bugs" ("bug_id", "bug_pri", "bug_sev",
> "bug_state", "bug_date", "bug_org", "bug_asg", "bug_sum",
> "bug_fcomment", "bug_fdate", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES ('---
> - 115412-M30S
> ', '---
> - P1
> ', '---
> - S1
> ', '---
> - "Closed: Verified"
> ', '---
> - 2011/04/05
> ', '---
> - anushj
> ', '---
> - anushj
> ', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2011-04-20 06:37:35.124746', '2011-04-20
> 06:37:35.124746')
>   Bug Load (0.2ms)  SELECT "bugs".* FROM "bugs" WHERE "bugs"."bug_id" IN
> ('115762-M30S') LIMIT 1
>   Bug Load (0.1ms)  SELECT "bugs"."id" FROM "bugs" WHERE
> ("bugs"."bug_id" = '["115762-M30S"]') LIMIT 1
>   AREL (0.4ms)  INSERT INTO "bugs" ("bug_id", "bug_pri", "bug_sev",
> "bug_state", "bug_date", "bug_org", "bug_asg", "bug_sum",
> "bug_fcomment", "bug_fdate", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES ('---
> - 115762-M30S
> ', '---
> - P1
> ', '---
> - S1
> ', '---
> - "Closed: Verified"
> ', '---
> - 2011/04/11
> ', '---
> - anushj
> ', '---
> - anushj
> ', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2011-04-20 06:37:35.129591', '2011-04-20
> 06:37:35.129591')
>   Bug Load (3.9ms)  SELECT "bugs".* FROM "bugs"
>   SQL (0.2ms)  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "bugs"
> Rendered import/index.html.erb within layouts/application (46.3ms)
> Completed 200 OK in 1769ms (Views: 51.0ms | ActiveRecord: 6.2ms)
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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