Hi, I just have a "best practices" question.  I'd like to block users
that don't own a particular resource from performing edit/update/
destroy actions on it.  Here's how I currently do it:

## User has many resources, of different types

------- resource_controller.rb -------

before_filter :require_ownership, :only => [:edit, :update, :destroy]

... public actions ...


def require_ownership
  @resource = Resource.find(params[:id])
  redirect_to_somewhere unless owns?(@resource)

------- application.rb -------

def owns?(resource)
  resource.user_id == @current_user.id

... And I apply this before_filter in the controller of any resource
I'd like to restrict in a similar way.  I'm new to Rails and MVC so
I'm just wondering whether this is the best way of accomplishing this,
or if a different method is recommended.

Thanks in advance!
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