Rails relationships that is [image: :)]


I am doing something wrong, and can't figure out what and where.


I have 3 models - Command, Contact, and a joined CommandsContact via 
has_many through relationship, because commands_contacts table holds an 
extra column - notification_type, which could be either set to *host* of 
*service. *


*Models *




This one is a special case, because it has 2 extra "virtual" relationships 
:host_notification_commands and :service_notification_commands, which gives 
me an ability to selectively get either *host* or *service* commands for a 
user (contact) like this:


Contact.first.host_notification_commands or 

Contact.find(3).service_notification_commands etc.

class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base

 has_many :commands_contacts, :inverse_of => :contact
 has_many :commands, :through => :commands_contacts

 has_many :host_notification_commands, -> { where commands_contacts: { 
:notification_type => 'host' } },
          :through => :commands_contacts,
          :class_name => 'Command', 
          :source => :command

 has_many :service_notification_commands, -> { where commands_contacts: { 
notification_type: 'service' } },
          :through => :commands_contacts,
          :class_name => 'Command', 
          :source => :command

 accepts_nested_attributes_for :host_notification_commands
 accepts_nested_attributes_for :service_notification_commands


class Command < ActiveRecord::Base

  has_many :commands_contacts, :inverse_of => :command
  has_many :contacts, :through => :commands_contacts

  accepts_nested_attributes_for :commands_contacts


class CommandsContact < ActiveRecord::Base

 belongs_to :command
 belongs_to :contact

 accepts_nested_attributes_for :command
 accepts_nested_attributes_for :contact

So far. So good. This works as expected (i think?) as I am able to manually 
create relationships, as long as i have a contact and a command already. 

contact = Contact.first
command = Command.find(7)
contact.host_notification_commands << command

Aaand after this things start to go down south, because a Controller, 
strong_parameters and accepts_nested_attributes_for come into play, and 
this is where I fail. 


My assumption is that Rails will be able to handle this for me and 
establish the relationship, right? 

def create
  contact = Contact.new safe_params

Because I use accepts_nested_attributes_for, I have to append _attributes to 
the names of nested objects, right? So i do a simple re-assignment here and 
then permit them with strong_parameters.

privatedef safe_params

  params[:contact][:host_notification_commands_attributes] = 
  params[:contact][:service_notification_commands_attributes] = 
        :host_notification_commands_attributes => [ :id, :command_name, 
:command_line, :command_description ],
        :service_notification_commands_attributes => [ :id, :command_name, 
:command_line, :command_description ])



As far as I understand, this is all that needs to be done and Rails should 
handle the rest, right? The problem is that it does not even try to to 
establish a relationship. It does a SELECT and immediately fails.


When I try to create a new record, it fails with:


ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find Command with ID=1 for Contact 
with ID=):

Because it hasn't yet created a user a hasn't established a relationship. 


When I try to edit and existing contact and establish a relationship with 
existing command, it fails with
   (0.1ms)  BEGIN
  Command Load (0.2ms)  SELECT `commands`.* FROM `commands` INNER JOIN 
`commands_contacts` ON `commands`.`id` = `commands_contacts`.`command_id` 
WHERE `commands_contacts`.`contact_id` = 3 AND 
`commands_contacts`.`notification_type` = 'host' AND `commands`.`id` = 1
   (0.1ms)  ROLLBACK
Completed 404 Not Found in 6ms
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find Command with ID=1 for Contact 
with ID=3):
Uhm... Of course this relationship record is not found. I am trying to 
create it! Why does it run SELECT instead of UPDATE / INSERT ?
So, something tells me I have this relationship defined incorrectly 
somewhere in my models.... but where? How do i troubleshoot this? 

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