I am trying to run a ruby script from my rails controller.
The script runs successfully when the rails server is started normally as

     rails s thin -e development 

But when rails server is started as a daemon, the ruby script fails to run.

     rails s thin -e development -d

Inside the controller the ruby script is run with  the **exec** command.

     script_exec = exec("ruby 
/Code/AttendanceReport/attn/bin/scripts/Spreadsheet_proper.rb '#{city}' 
'#{date1}' '#{date2}'")

The above approach kills the rails server and doesn't execute the ruby 
script. And hence I used

     script_exec = %x{ruby 
/Code/AttendanceReport/attn/bin/scripts/Spreadsheet_proper.rb '#{city}' 
'#{date1}' '#{date2}' }
          script_exec = system("ruby 
/Code/AttendanceReport/attn/bin/scripts/Spreadsheet_proper.rb '#{city}' 
'#{date1}' '#{date2}'")

The above **%x** and **system** approaches also fail when run rails server 
is started with -d. But it does work when the rails server is normally.

Hence I tried a different approach of using **Daemons**
In my controller 

    file_path1 = 

    script_exec = %x{ruby #{file_path1} start -- #{city} #{date1} #{date2}}

The Spreadsheet_proper_control.rb has the 

     require 'daemons'

This approach too fails. Upon logging false value is returned for the above 

But when run manually from the terminal, the above Daemon approach is 
working perfectly. 

     ruby Spreadsheet_proper_control.rb start -- 'Melbourne' '2015-06-01' 

The ruby script runs while I am logged into a terminal session and started 
rails server normally – should that terminal session end so would the 

Concise app environment:-

 - Ubuntu 14.04
 - Rails version 4.2
 - Ruby 2.2.2
 - daemons (1.2.3)

The Spreadsheet_proper.rb generates an xls file which is then zipped and 
sent as response by the controller.

Since the output of the ruby script is sent by controller as a response, I 
couldn't go for delayed job.

Is there any other approach to run a Ruby script inside Rails controller 
successfully without the Rails server getting killed when started as daemon?



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