OK, been trying to get my SMTP settings correct in the action Mailer for 
about 4 hours now and running out of ideas.  The problem is that whatever I 
do I cant find any errors in logs but also don’t get any emails.  So I 
tried doing it in 'rails console', but still not getting any errors (or 
emails).  This is what I am doing in the console.  I should add I am doing 
this on my ISPs server (through ssh) and I use there SMTP server every day 
so I am fairly sure it is set up properly;)

Setting details up in ActionMailer

ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {    user_name:      '*username*',
    password:       '*password*',
    domain:         'mail.xtreamlab.net',
    address:        'mail.xtreamlab.net',
    port:           '25',
    authentication: :plain,
    enable_starttls_auto: true

console response

=> {:user_name=>"*username*", :password=>"*password*", :domain=>"
mail.xtreamlab.net", :address=>"mail.xtreamlab.net", :port=>"993", 
:authentication=>:plain, :enable_starttls_auto=>true}

then I setup delivery method:

ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp

console response

=> :smtp

and setup a method to send the email

class MyMailer < ActionMailer::Base
  def test_email
    @recipients = “myaddr...@funkytwig.com”
    @from = “someaddr...@eventpuddle.com”
    @subject = “This is a subject”
    @body = “This is the body”

console response

=> :test_email

then tried to send the email


console response

MyMailer#test_email: processed outbound mail in 3.0ms
(Object doesn't support #inspect)

Looked in the rails log file and all seems OK.  so I thought maybe this is 
not actually telling me it has worked, so I changed the password to 
something random and very wrong and exactly the same happened, so it is not 
telling me it has worked.....or giving me a error;(

I've tried this on my ISPs server and my development computer and I have 
run out of ideas, I really don’t know what to try next.

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