
I'm following a tutorial which creates a rails project using the
scaffolding generator (in Rails 2.3.8). One of the exercises at the
end of this tutorial is to put the form used in the scaffolding's "new"
and "update" views into a partial.

So, I created a file "_form.html.erb" in the views folder of my app.

In "new.html.erb" I call the partial thus:
<%= render :partial => "form", :locals => {:url => {:action => "create"}

This works as it should and I have no problems creating a new dataset.

In "edit.html.erb" I wrote this:
<%= render :partial => "form", :locals => {:url => {:action => "update",
:id => @flight.id}} %>

but when I try to update an existing record I get the error:

Unknown action
No action responded to 11. Actions: create, destroy, edit, index, new,
show, and update

(where 11 is the id or the object I am trying to update)

Using Firebug to check where the form is being sent, I see:
<form method="post" action="/flights/11">

When I run "rake routes" I see:
PUT /flights/:id(.:format) {:controller=>"flights", :action=>"update"}

What am I missing?
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thanks very much in advance.

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