Hey all,

When someone is on my login page, I have this:

<% form_for :user, :url => { :action => "login" } do |f|  %>
   <%= f.label(:user_email, "User Email")%>
   <%= f.text_field(:email) %><br/>
   <%= f.label(:user_password, "User Password")%>
  <%= f.password_field(:password) %><br/>
  <%= f.submit("Login") %>

  <%= link_to 'Register', :action => 'signup' %> |
    <%= link_to 'Forgot my password', :action => 'forgot_password' %>
<% end %>

<%= flash_helper %>

Note that flash_helper method calls this method in ApplicationHelper

  def flash_helper

      f_names = [:notice, :warning, :message]
      fl = ''

      for name in f_names
        if flash[name]
          fl = fl + "<div class=\"notice\">#{flash[name]}</div>"
      flash[name] = nil;
    return fl

During a post request to server, I call the authenticate class method on
User class, passing in two parameters, an email string and password:

  def login
      if request.post?
        if session[:user] = User.authenticate(params[:user][:email],
          flash[:message]  = "Login successful"
          redirect_to :root
          flash[:warning] = "Login unsuccessful"

authenticate is executed:

  def self.authenticate(email, pass)
    u=find(:first, :conditions=>["email = ?", email])
    return nil if u.nil?
    return u if User.encrypt(pass,

It does some sql, finds the user, and then if it finds matching email
address we call encrypt:

  def self.encrypt(pass, salt)

which basically checks if the password and salt for that record match
the one for that record in the encrypted_password field of users table.

So everything works and user is returned to home page. (Note that I also
tested a wrong apssword and system correctly gave flash error)

But here's the problem. When returned to home page, the user still does
not become current user!

Because I have this in my home page:

         <% if current_user %>
        <%= link_to "Logout", logout_path %>
      <% else %>
        <%= link_to "Create Account", signup_path %>
        <%= link_to "Login", login_path %>
       <% end %>

And it continues to shop me the login link rather than loggout, menaing
the system has not captured the record that just signed in as the
current_user. I am not sure why?

I have this in application controller:

  def current_user
    @current_user ||= session[:user_id] && User.find(session[:user_id])

So I presume that when the login process occurs the user id is stored in
session, and assigned to current_user. but apparently it's not because
when signing in the if current_user block returns false and it triggers
the else statement instead.

Thanks for response.

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