I have spent most of today trying to make the ajax.Autocompleter work
in a Rails 3 application.

To this point, I can get the autocompleter.local to work, but not the
AJAX version.

The View:
= form_for [:admin, @contact] do |f|
  = f.error_messages
    = f.label :name_first, "First"
    = f.text_field :name_first
    = f.label :name_mi, "M"
    = f.text_field :name_mi, :size => "5px"
    = f.label :name_last, "Last"
    = f.text_field :name_last
  = f.label :name_salutation, "Salutation"
  = f.text_field :name_salutation, :size => "60px"
  (ex. Mrs. Jones)
  = f.label :title, "Title"
  = f.text_field :title, :size => "60px"
  = f.label :org_name
  = f.text_field :org_name

    new ajax.Autocompleter('contact_org_name', 'org_list', "http://
  = render 'autocomplete'eter
    = f.radio_button :is_male, "true"
    = f.label "Male"
    = f.radio_button :is_male, "false"
    = f.label "Female"
    = f.radio_button :is_married, "true"
    = f.label "Married"
    = f.radio_button :is_married, "false"
    = f.label "Single"

    = f.submit

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