
I'm working on a rails app with a flash application in it, and the
flash application posts binary data to the rails app, to create and
upload an image. The image arrives from Flash with a  Content-Type of
"application/octet-stream", but by the time the image data hits the
controller action, it is a string.

I have googled and found numerous solutions for similar cases: getting
the content_type of data uploaded from flash (generally via swfobject)
and adjusting for when the content-type is application/octet-stream.
But, these don't work in my case -- I'm guessing that all those cases
are for actually uploading files rather than transporting binary

I do have mimetype_fu installed and attachment_fu hacks and the
mime_type gem but none of those solutions work because the data it's
working on in the controller is a string, and doesn't have a
content_type method.  All of these workarounds involve querying the
data for its content_type and adjusting from there.

 Initially we thought "oh the form doesn't have multipart set", but
when I track the data in request.rb (the
parse_multipart_form_parameters method), the data seems to be properly
encoded with the correct form type:

The flash developer and I have done a lot of searching and it may be
that the data needs to be sent differently from Flash (encoded in a
different format perhaps, as a few blog posts suggest).  But on the
Rails end, does anyone have any insight on why the data is being
thrown out by the time it gets to the controller? And, more
importantly, where I might intercept it so by the time it hits the
controller it is still application/octet-stream?

Below are some debug outputs if you want to see more details:

1. LOGGING from parse_multipart_form_parameters in request.rb. This is
the incoming request from Flash.

-- Wed Jan 14 19:22:03 -0600 2009: here in
parse_multipart_form_parameters: body: #<StringIO:0x3f03ab8> ;
boundary: iuxcwgdgqyluhwtavtkiwakxwlyxfkxs ; body_size: 65822 ; env:
{"SERVER_NAME"=>"localhost", "HTTP_ENCTYPE"=>"multipart/form-data",
"CONTENT_LENGTH"=>"65822", "HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE"=>"multipart/form-data;
"HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"=>"gzip,deflate", "HTTP_USER_AGENT"=>"Mozilla/
5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/
2008120121 Firefox/3.0.5", "SCRIPT_NAME"=>"/",
"HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"=>"en-us,en;q=0.5", "HTTP_HOST"=>"localhost:
3000", "REMOTE_ADDR"=>"", "SERVER_SOFTWARE"=>"Mongrel 1.1.5",
boundary=iuxcwgdgqyluhwtavtkiwakxwlyxfkxs", "HTTP_REFERER"=>"http://
localhost:3000/movies/image_creator.swf", "HTTP_COOKIE"=>"last-visited-
dcc1e413220b4e43db3ab08a37cf67ff73f8ec6e; auth_token=;
"HTTP_VERSION"=>"HTTP/1.1", "REQUEST_URI"=>"/projects/13/elements/21/
assets/130/visual_notes", "SERVER_PORT"=>"3000",
"GATEWAY_INTERFACE"=>"CGI/1.2", "HTTP_ACCEPT"=>"text/html,application/
xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", "HTTP_CONNECTION"=>"keep-

2. A little later in read_multipart, I can see that the data has
arrived in the application/octet-stream format:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image_uploaded_data";
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

3. My controller action params

Parameters: `"element_id"=>"21", "project_id"=>"13",
"image_uploaded_data"=>"1141951886.jpg", "Upload"=>"Submit Query",
"visual_note_created_by_id"=>"1", "asset_id"=>"130

4. Output when running a before_filter to
 before_filter do |controller|
    logger.info("CLASS: #{controller.params
CLASS: String



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