
The gist of my question: is there a way to *portably* store and retrieve
Infinity in an ActiveRecord float column?

Following is an amusing saga, but it doesn't really answer the question.

Step 1: As was mentioned in http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/74141, you
can't simply write a Ruby infinite value.  Here are the results in Rails
3 with the sqlite 1.3.3 gem:

>> r = TestRec.create(:x => (1.0/0.0))
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: no such column:
Infinity: INSERT INTO "test_recs" ("x") VALUES (Infinity)

Step 2: So if storing infinity isn't possible, how about a really big
value, like Float::MAX?

>> r = TestRec.create(:x => Float::MAX)
=> #<TestRec id: 1, x: 1.7976931348623157e+308>
>> r.x == Float::MAX
=> true

Step 3: That looks promising, but we're looking at the in-memory version
of the record.  We should reload r to get the value from the database:

>> r.reload
=> #<TestRec id: 1, x: Infinity>
>> r.x == Float::MAX
=> false
>> r.x.infinite?
=> 1

Whoa!  x has changed from Float::MAX to Infinity.  So it appears that if
you want to store Infinity in a DB column, you need to store Float::MAX
instead.  At least for sqlite.

Naturally, I don't trust this as a general solution.  Can I assume it
will work this way across other DBs?  If not, is there a generally
portable way to store Infinity?

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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