I have the production and staging site on two different server ips. But the 
database, another server ip, is the same database used by both production 
and staging. When i set up the capistrano deploy task for both the 
production and staging, should I keep the db role in deploy.rb like this:


role :db,  "database_ip", :primary => true 


role :web, "production_ip" 
role :app, "production_ip"  


role :web, "staging_ip" 
role :app, "staging_ip"  

Or should I do it this way:


role :web, "production_ip" 
role :app, "production_ip"  

role :db,  "database_ip", :primary => true 


role :web, "production_ip" 
role :app, "production_ip"  

role :db,  "database_ip", :primary => true 

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