Hi guys. I`m having this kind of problem:

i have the comments tree, there`s this link_to_function under each one:

link_to_function "Reply",

as you see it simply passes comment.id to my form.
Form looks like this :

<div id="main-comment-form" >
<%form_for :comment, :url => {:controller =>'events', :action
=>'post_comment'} do |f| %>
    <%= f.hidden_field :parent_id, :value => nil %>
    <%= f.text_area :comment  %><br>
    <%= f.submit "Add comment" %>
  <% end %>

i render both form and comments from partials.

I need to somehow change this:
link_to_function "Reply",

to link_to_remote ( i want to open the form right under the comment
after clicking the link) and keep the function to pass the comment.id

 any ideas/theory/suggestions are much appreciated! Thanks!
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