Without going to detail, I'll just show important code:

text field is passed the name of object, could be a symbol (:user) or
string ("user[]"). method is datbase attribute or virtual attribute.
the options hash, among other things, includes the object if persisted
(e.g. @user).
      def text_field(object_name, method, options = {})
        Tags::TextField.new(object_name, method, self, options).render

TextField doesn't have initialize, it calls on super which is Base,
and we create some instance variables holding our object information
and so forth:
class Base

        def initialize(object_name, method_name, template_object,
options = {})
          @object_name, @method_name = object_name.to_s.dup,
          @template_object = template_object

          @object_name.sub!(/\[\]$/,"") || @object_name.sub!(/\[\]\]
          @object = retrieve_object(options.delete(:object))
          @options = options

We call render on text field object
        def render
          options = @options.stringify_keys
          options["size"] = options["maxlength"] unless options.key?
          options["type"]  ||= field_type
          options["value"] = options.fetch("value")
{ value_before_type_cast(object) } unless field_type == "file"
          options["value"] &&= ERB::Util.html_escape(options["value"])
          tag("input", options)

      def tag(name, options = nil, open = false, escape = true)
        "<#{name}#{tag_options(options, escape) if options}#{open ?
">" : " />"}".html_safe

and thats pretty much it. Wheres the name attribute and its value
appended to the returned string from render?

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