I installed ruby186-26
and then run this three command in command line....
gem update --system
gem install rails
gem install mongrel

Now i nedd to install mysql and i wish to working with mysql.

but my database.ymal have this kind of think


# SQLite version 3.x
#   gem install sqlite3-ruby (not necessary on OS X Leopard)
  adapter: sqlite3
  database: db/development.sqlite3
  timeout: 5000

# Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and
# re-generated from your development database when you run "rake".
# Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
  adapter: sqlite3
  database: db/test.sqlite3
  timeout: 5000

  adapter: sqlite3
  database: db/production.sqlite3
  timeout: 5000


i am working with php so i have mysql 5 installed on my computer and
also apache

sqlite is better but i am flexible with mysql ..............

last few days i tried hard for enabling mysql instead of sqlite but

there is a plenty of problem..................

can anyone help me please..........................
i want help for working with mysql.........................
Can anyone help about the total mysql installation process in ruby and
connecting to database.

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