I can't imagine what I'm trying to do is complicated at all in Rails.
Yet, I am now getting this error: undefined method `state' for

has_one :student_fail
attr_accessor :student_fail_attribute

def student_fail
@student = @student.find params[:id]

def update_student_fail
  @student.build_student_fail params[:student][:student_fail_attribute]
  if @student.save

           form_for @student do |f| f.collection_select(
:student_fail_attribute, params[:StudentFailState.state], params[:id],
params[:key]) end

true is an attribute of the StudentFailState table. There are three
records in that table. So in the dropdown it will display the text (key
attribute) of each table and each table will have an id.

Any suggestions? Thanks.
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