Re: [rules-users] counting facts of a kind

2010-08-23 Thread Edson Tirelli
Wolfgang, The requirement for serializable classes even when not using persistence was a "mistake" made several versions ago and I believed it was fixed. What version of Drools are you using? If that is trunk, we need to fix it. Anyway, workaround: for count(), you can simply write "c

Re: [rules-users] no visitor implementation for : class org.drools.rule.TypeDeclaration

2010-08-23 Thread Esteban Aliverti
When working on incremental change-set processing mode, Knowledge Agent performs a diff between the original and the modified resources. Modified resources are compiled, and a visitor pattern is used to loop over knowledge definitions (such as rules, functions, queries, etc.). So if rule1 was modif

Re: [rules-users] Stream Mode with Temporal Reasoning and Event Lifecycle Management

2010-08-23 Thread Edson Tirelli
Hi Tina, 1. In cases like this, either you define an @expires policy that is longer than your temporal constraints + latency to receive the events, or you run the engine in cloud mode (disabling the lifecycle management). 2. Yes, correct. As you probably realized, given only the constraint in

Re: [rules-users] Stream Mode with Temporal Reasoning and Event Lifecycle Management

2010-08-23 Thread Tina Vießmann
Thank you, Edson. :) I've got two more questions about that for now. The first one is kind of ... ugly. I know the stream mode needs a time-ordered stream so that the processing can be done correctly. In my case it can not really be predicted at which time an event arrives so that the system/

[rules-users] no visitor implementation for : class org.drools.rule.TypeDeclaration

2010-08-23 Thread Tina Vießmann
Hi, I'm getting a two red highlighted outputs in eclipse if I modify my rules file during run time. Besides that the modifications seem to work. What does it mean? The full output I get when the resource change is detected is listed below. The bold lines are the concerned ones. Thanks for

Re: [rules-users] Please help me to fix the AgendaFilter related issue

2010-08-23 Thread Wolfgang Laun
This is the way to implement an AgendaFilter so that you can use it with ksession.fireAllRules import org.drools.runtime.rule.Activation; import org.drools.runtime.rule.AgendaFilter; public class MySimpleFilter implements AgendaFilter { // ... constructor etc. public boolean accept(Activat

Re: [rules-users] Please help me to fix the AgendaFilter related issue

2010-08-23 Thread Sanjib Karmakar
Sir I have modified according to your suggestion but still I am getting the same error. Regards Sanjib Karmakar SkyTech Solutions Pvt. Ltd Please consider the environment before printing this email. Wolfgang Laun Sent by: 08/23/2010 06:15 PM Please respo

Re: [rules-users] Please help me to fix the AgendaFilter related issue

2010-08-23 Thread Wolfgang Laun
The error message says Stateful*Rule*Session, but I'd say you have a Stateful*Knowledge*Session ksession. Do a cast: org.drools.runtime.rule.StatefulRuleSession sfrs = (org.drools.runtime.rule.StatefulRuleSession)ksession; and use this one for firing all rules with an agenda filter. -W On 23

Re: [rules-users] Creating a KnowledgeBase using a KnowledgeAgent, KnowledgeAgentConfiguration and KnowledgeBaseConfiguration

2010-08-23 Thread Esteban Aliverti
I think that is the minimum code needed to create a kagent with custom configuration. The only line you could remove is: kbase = kagent.getKnowledgeBase(); Because you are using incremental change-set processing ( drools.agent.newInstance = false), you don't need to obtain a reference to the new

[rules-users] Please help me to fix the AgendaFilter related issue

2010-08-23 Thread Sanjib Karmakar
import org.drools.runtime.StatefulKnowledgeSession; import org.drools.spi.Activation; import org.drools.spi.AgendaFilter; . . . KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder(); kbuilder.add( ResourceFactory.newClassPathResource(resourceIndica

Re: [rules-users] Stream Mode with Temporal Reasoning and Event Lifecycle Management

2010-08-23 Thread Edson Tirelli
Drools also use the 13 temporal operators as "hints", so if you have a rule: $a : A() $b : B( this after[0,3m] $a ) Drools will know that A's must be held in memory for 3 minutes while B's will expire immediately. Drools will calculate all possible expiration offsets based on all used tempo

Re: [rules-users] counting facts of a kind

2010-08-23 Thread Wolfgang Laun
No, not knowingly :-) I'm using the simplest possible setup for KnowledgeBase, KnowledgeBuilder, StatefulKnowledgeSession. Why should accumulate/count effect persistence? -W 2010/8/23 Swindells, Thomas > You’ve probably configured your system to be using persistence? > > In which case what y

[rules-users] IAE when calling constructor from RHS

2010-08-23 Thread Wolfgang Laun
In Java, a constructor with package level visibility can be called from some other class in the same package. It seems that this is not possible from the RHS of a rule that is in a .DRL file that has the same "package" declaration as the package of the class that should be instantiated. An Illegal

Re: [rules-users] counting facts of a kind

2010-08-23 Thread Swindells, Thomas
You've probably configured your system to be using persistence? In which case what you are persisting needs to be serializable so that it can be persisted Thomas From: [] On Behalf Of Wolfgang Laun Sent: 23 August 201

[rules-users] counting facts of a kind

2010-08-23 Thread Wolfgang Laun
As simple as it gets: rule countHigh when $n : Number() from accumulate ( $sgc : StartGoalConn() count( $sgc ) ) then System.out.println( "plain routes: " + $n ); end And yet, it fails: Exception in thread "main" org.drools.RuntimeDroolsException: java.lang.ClassCastException:

[rules-users] Rules Flow: Human Task and groups

2010-08-23 Thread Miloslav Vlach
Hi, i have to assign a task to the group of users. I can't find any information in Can somebody help me how to assign human task ? And ho can I get all task (for example as Administrator

[rules-users] Drools flow - foreach element

2010-08-23 Thread Miloslav Vlach
Hi, I have to use the for each element: the variable projectManager shlould be addressable in the forEach node. But the variable cannot be used in the split element (there is created drl content which cannot access the projectManger variable name) eval(false) eva

[rules-users] Creating a KnowledgeBase using a KnowledgeAgent, KnowledgeAgentConfiguration and KnowledgeBaseConfiguration

2010-08-23 Thread Tina Vießmann
Hi, I want to create a KnowledgeBase using stream processing mode, getting its resources from an change-set xml and getting the updated when resources are changed. So far I'm aware I need a KnowledgeAgent and a configuration for the kagent and the kbase. My code is: // create knowledge b

[rules-users] Stream Mode with Temporal Reasoning and Event Lifecycle Management

2010-08-23 Thread Tina Vießmann
Hi, I'm thinking about something. Maybe anyone can tell me. The Stream Processing Mode of Drools Fusion provides automatic lifecycle managment. For my understandings this is based on the sliding windows used inside the rule conditions, the @expires metadata and the @delay metadata. Am I righ